The Cambridge Dictionary defines wisdom as "the ability to make good judgments based on what you have learned from your experience, or the knowledge and understanding that gives you this ability."1 We probably all know someone whom we consider to be wise by that definition, but what is the source of that wisdom?
Image of God
Certainly we see human beings who have no connection or commitment to God exhibiting wisdom by that definition. I would suggest that, even for them, wisdom ultimately comes from God. In an earlier chapter of the Core 524 book we saw that people are created in "the image of God". Looking at the definition above, certainly God possessed good judgement, experience knowledge, and understanding to a level of perfection that no human being can match. But because people are created in God's image, they can also possess wisdom at a lesser, imperfect level.
Word of God
In Deuteronomy 4:5-6 Moses is reminding the people of Israel of God's Laws which have been taught to them. He says:
"See, I have taught you statutes and judgments just as the LORD my God commanded me, that you should do thus in the land where you are entering to possess it. So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, 'Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.'"2
This scripture seems to suggest that one can increase in wisdom by studying, understanding, and living out God's written Word.
Gift of God
Solomon had just taken over as King of Israel and had given his "inauguration speech", after which he and the entire assembly went to worship God at the tabernacle (tent) that had been used for worship until this point (the brick and mortar temple was not completed yet). There they prayed and offered burnt offerings to God.
That night God revealed himself to Solomon and said, "Ask for what you would like me to give you."
Here is Solomon's response (2 Chronicles 1:8-10):
“You demonstrated great loyalty to my father David and have made me king in his place. Now, LORD God, may your promise to my father David be realized, for you have made me king over a great nation as numerous as the dust of the earth. Now give me wisdom and discernment so I can effectively lead this nation. Otherwise who would be able to make judicial decisions for this great nation of yours?”3
And God's response to Solomon (2 Chronicles 1:11-12):
“Because you desire this, and did not ask for riches, wealth, and honor, or for vengeance on your enemies, and because you did not ask for long life, but requested wisdom and discernment so you can make judicial decisions for my people over whom I have made you king, you are granted wisdom and discernment."3So in this case wisdom was a gift from God to Solomon because of his specific request.
Emmanuel - God with us
In 1 Corinthians 1:26-30 Paul says this:
"Think about the circumstances of your call, brothers and sisters. Not many were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were born to a privileged position. But God chose what the world thinks foolish to shame the wise, and God chose what the world thinks weak to shame the strong. God chose what is low and despised in the world, what is regarded as nothing, to set aside what is regarded as something, so that no one can boast in his presence. He is the reason you have a relationship with Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption."3Jesus is the ultimate source and embodiment of God’s wisdom:
- He revealed God in human form that we can see and understand.
- Yet He is also fully God.
- In the Bible we have God’s wisdom in the written word (because it reveals Jesus).
- In Jesus we have God’s Wisdom in the living word (John 1:1)
Can human beings exhibit wisdom without a commitment to God? Yes, to a degree. But the best, most complete wisdom comes from God and commitment to him through his written word and his living word, Jesus. Gain wisdom by seeking God through Jesus and living by his guidance.
1. (Definition of wisdom from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
2. Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible
3. Scripture quoted by permission, the NET Bible® copyright ©1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.
4. This post is the result of my studies based on the book by Mark E. Moore, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Building your Bible IQ in a Year, published by WaterBook (Penguin Random House)
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