Wednesday, July 01, 2020

The Supernatural

There was a popular Music group in the 60s and 70s named “The Fifth Dimension”. I’m not sure why they chose that name but it reminds me of a way to explain the existence of God and the “spirit world”.
In physics there are three dimensions of physical structure: height, width, and depth. Albert Einstein said time was a fourth dimension. Christians as well as those who practice other religions believe there is a fifth dimension beyond these four physical dimensions that we call the spiritual dimension. God, angels, the devil, and demons are all part of this dimension. We human beings can’t see it or touch it, but we are also part of it. We are unique in the creation because we have both a physical nature and a spiritual nature. We are both body and spirit.

Before we get into a description of the “spiritual dimension”, I want to define some terms that I use below.

  • Believer - One who realizes he has fallen short of God’s standard, believes that God exists, believes that Jesus is the Son of God, believes that Jesus rose from the dead, has accepted God’s gift of salvation, and has chosen to serve in God’s kingdom.
  • Unbeliever - One who may or may not believe in God, but does not believe that Jesus is the Son of God, does not believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and has basically chosen not to have anything to do with God.

As we read the Bible we are introduced to several terms that describe the spiritual dimension and the living beings that are part of it. Here is a brief summary.


The English word “heaven” has come to have several different meanings, some of which are supported by Biblical statements, and some of which are just popular beliefs. It can refer to the place ”somewhere out there” where God lives. It can refer to the sky or the universe around us.
“Heaven” is also used to describe two aspects of continued life after the physical death of the human body:

  • Where the believer’s spirit goes when their body dies.
  • Where the believer will reside after their body is resurrected and joined with their spirit again.

Key truth: God is present there; Jesus is there. Those believers who have passed on are in the presence of God.


The English word “hell” also has a wide variety of uses in our culture, but in the context of continuing human life after death of the body, it also has two different aspects:

  • Where the UN-believer’s spirit goes when their body dies.
  • Where the UN-believer will reside after their body is resurrected and joined with their spirit again.

Key truth: God is not there. Those who reject God and any relationship with him get what they want - separation from God. God does not “send” anyone to hell. Everyone who ends up there will be there as a result of their own choice.


If you believe the Bible, and I do, then demons are real. Their most prolific interaction with people was during the time that Jesus was here on earth carrying out his mission. It seems that Satan made an extra effort to derail God’s plan during that time. Here are several scriptures that describe demonic activity during Jesus time here: Mark chapter 1, chapter 9; Matthew chapter 11, chapter 12, chapter 17. While not all christians would agree, I believe that demons are still active among people today, although not to the extent they were at the time of Jesus. I believe that demon possession (the demon takes control of the person mentally and physically) is possible but only if the person invites the demon in by engaging in certain activities related to Satan worship, witchcraft, or related activities. I do not believe that a Christian who is living under the influence of the Holy Spirit can be possessed.


The word “Angel” comes from the Latin angelus and the Greek angelos both of which mean “messenger”. Thus, angels are spirit beings who serve God and, in so doing, sometimes interact with people. Here are just a few biblical examples:

In Genesis chapters 18 and 19 God and two angels appear to Abraham as three “men”. During this meeting God informs Abraham that he will have a child in his old age and he informs Abraham that he is going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. God then sends the two angels to rescue Abraham’s nephew Lot and his family who were living in Sodom at the time before they destroy the two cities.

The Old Testament prophets often received messages from God through angels. The book of Daniel is a good example.

After his baptism Jesus went to a deserted wilderness area where Satan came to him and tried to tempt him to betray God’s plan. At the end of that time angels came to  serve him and take care of his physical needs. “Then the devil left him, and angels came and began ministering to his needs.” (Matthew 4:11 NET)

Angels appeared to the disciples on the days following Jesus’ resurrection including the day he ascended up to heaven to the presence of God.

Are angels actively interacting with the physical world and with people today? We seem to have less evidence of that, or perhaps we are less inclined to believe it when we see it. I will say this though; I think there is evidence in God’s word, the Bible, that God’s plan entered a new phase with the resurrection of Jesus. Look at Hebrews 1:1-4:

After God spoke long ago in various portions and in various ways to our ancestors through the prophets, in these last days he has spoken to us in a son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he created the world. The Son is the radiance of his glory and the representation of his essence, and he sustains all things by his powerful word, and so when he had accomplished cleansing for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. 4 Thus he became so far better than the angels as he has inherited a name superior to theirs. (NET)

Then in the rest of chapter one the writer makes a strong case that Jesus is far greater than the angels. Then in chapter two he says this:

Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. For if the message spoken through angels proved to be so firm that every violation or disobedience received its just penalty, how will we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was first communicated through the Lord and was confirmed to us by those who heard him, while God confirmed their witness with signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will. (Hebrews 2:1-4 NET)

It seems to me that God is emphasizing to us that his primary message to us now comes through the life and teaching of Jesus, preserved and explained by the apostles, that is, what we call the New Testament. As the book of Hebrews says, Jesus is greater than the angels so his words are greater than the messages of angels.

I conclude with one thought about the supernatural. Sometimes we may think of “heaven” as someplace else, or of God as dwelling or living someplace far away. We should, instead, think of the supernatural as being all around us and engulfing us; that is the Biblical view. The Bible teaches that God is close to us; that he is “omnipresent”, that is, everywhere at once. And for those of us who have chosen to believe, God is IN us in the form of the Holy Spirit.

Scripture quoted by permission. Quotations designated (NET) are from the NET Bible®
copyright ©1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

This post is the result of my studies based on the book by Mark E. Moore, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Building your Bible IQ in a Year, published by WaterBook (Penguin Random House)
Trade Paperback ISBN 978-0-525-65325-7
ebook isbn 978-0-525-65326-4

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